Manufacturing Dashboard Software or an Executive Information System Software (EIS) should be easy to use, relevant to your business and representative of what’s happening in your manufacturing business right now. With the right manufacturing dashboard software you can make sense of all the data your business collects on a day-to-day basis which allows you to improve your processes and lean your production.
Our Executive Information System software gives a powerful analysis of important business information. Allowing you to view the data in colorful graphs and charts using the manufacturing dashboard software, Business Manager is critical to measuring your success. Because we’ve given you the basic data views to start building your manufacturing dashboard the software allows you expound on them using simple drag and drop procedures or highly structured queries.
The Business Manager, or EIS, is a custom interface to SMARTer Manager™, which allows you to dynamically configure the product to meet your organization’s specific manufacturing management needs. Using web-based design tools, you create Internet-style business information dashboards that replace traditional rigid menu structures.
Your business information dashboards provide dynamic links to any area or function in the program, and they’re organized in whatever fashion makes the most sense for your organization. They can be controlled, assigned and available based on department, users or assigned through our security module so everyone has the data they need, how they need it and when they need it based on the manufacturing data that’s most important to them.
In addition to your business information dashboards, your employees can create personal business information dashboards. These personal dashboards can be tailored for everyone from the production floor to the corporate executive. The Business manager can be used to navigate all of SMARTer Manager™. Views are built through the View Builder. Data, such as parts on order, delivery dates, etc. can be viewed in a grid or a graph format, which can then be saved to disk or exported to other applications.