Custom Development | Manufacturing Software | ERP Software | Inventory Software
Our development services are available to address the creation of custom extensions to SMARTer Manager™. We’re not talking about customizing your ERP or Manufacturing Management software beyond recognition, but maybe you’d like to continue using an in house manufacturing software program that has years of history. It might even be that your employees are use to a particular inventory extension or spreadsheet, no problem. We’re here to work with your business processes not make you bend to ours.
Data Conversion and the development of specialized data access/integration utilities are examples of the kinds of SMARTer Programming we often encounter.
In most instances SMARTer Manager™ already has the functionality and it’s just a matter of training to get your process implemented. If there is an add on piece of software you’d like to see work with our manufacturing management software we might even foot the bill. We’re always looking to improve.
If you have specific custom programming requirements, your sales representative can discuss this service with you.
Reach a Sales Representative at:
Phone: 877.762.7766